Moulting & Winter Programme
This programme has been scientifically designed to provide a complete enriched vitamin, mineral, macro mineral and trace element supplement. Following this programme will provide the correct salt replacement and system detoxification for all your pigeons moulting and winter season requirements. Start the programme from one week after racing stops until two weeks before pairing. Saturday Sport V 10ml and Sport C 10ml per 2 litres of drinking water. Sunday SportHerb 10ml to 2 litres of luke warm drinking water. Monday fresh drinking water only. Tuesday fresh drinking water only. Wednesday FlorBio 10g per 2kg of food mixed with 5ml of Hemp Oil. Thursday fresh drinking water. Friday fresh drinking water.
Pack includes SportHerb 500ml, Sport V 500ml,
Sport C 500ml, FlorBio 150g, Hemp 250ml.
Total Cost £40 including postage
Pigeon Health weekly supplement programme has been scientifically designed to add a complete balance for the physical demands required throughout each stage of the annual cycle
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