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“CAESAR” SU18 1809 Superstar Racer/Breeder

The Home of the finest collection of the actual performance Macaloney GW & P pigeons. One of the finest racing lofts in Europe with record breaking UK statistics to match.

Winner of 9 x 1st

1st Federation 4,433 birds 1st Federation 3,210 birds 1st Federation 2,250 birds NOW Breeder to winners in UK And Canada 1st Federaton 6,141 birds 1st  Federation    501 birds 2nd Federation 2,108 birds (BBLM) 3rd Federation 2,104 birds 3rd Federation 325 birds 3rd Federation 2,523 birds 4th Federation 2,108 birds (BBLM) 5th Open BICC 2,249 birds 5th Federation 741 birds 6th Federation 3,794 birds 6th Federation 2,703 birds 6th Federation 1,307 birds 7th Federation 2,881 birds 10th Federation 3,678 birds (bblm) 10th Federation 2,322 birds 11th Federation 2,462 birds 11th Federation 3,447 birds 12th  MNFC National 1,724 birds 13th Federation 1307 birds 14th Federation 3,325 birds 15th Federation 5,109 birds 16th Federation 3,216 birds 18th Open NIPA 15,032 birds 19th Federation 2,104 birds 20th Federation 3,216 birds 24th NIPA 12,555 birds 26th Federation 5,743 birds 26th Federation 3,678 birds 30th Federation 3,678 birds 32nd Federation 1,993 birds 32nd Federation 3,440 birds 33rd Federation 1,993 birds 33rd Federation 3,440 birds 34th Federation 2,349 birds 36th Federation 2,947 birds 38th Federation 5,391 birds 39th Federation 5,072 birds 49th Federation 5,391 birds 49th Federation 2,703 birds 52nd Federation 3,440 birds 54th Federation 2,322 birds 60th Federation 2,947 birds 65th Federation 1,924 birds 73rd Federation 2,947 birds 83rd Federation 2,349 birds 85th Federation 3,678 birds Full brother produced Gordan Mckenzie 1st Open National SNFC 1,629 birds clear by 72 YPM Full Brother Bred Ricky Youngs  1905 1st Federation 616 birds 3rd Federation 2,449 birds (BBLM) 3rd Federation 1,213 birds (BBLM) 5th Federation 1,917 birds ( BBLM) 6th Federation 1,605 birds 7th Federation 2,109 birds 9Th Federation 708 birds 39th Federation 1,795 birds CAESAR first ever Young Bird wins 1st Federation for Ben Oakley by 90 ypm Half  Brother breeds DUAL AMBITION 3rd West Region National SNFC 499 birds 3rd Section E National SNFC 346 birds 12th Open National Upper Heyford 2,476 birds 18th Federation 3,678 birds 23rd Federation 5,378 birds 55th Federation 2,104 birds 59th Federation 2,947 birds Full Brother breeds Pat Halliwell 1st Federation winners Full brother & Daughter of Caesar breed Green & Son 4x 1st prizes 2x 2nd  prizes 2 x 3rd prizes

“BLUE CAVIAR” GB15L 15771 World class Race & Breeding Hen

One of the finest breeding hens in the UK.  A supreme racing hen and prize winner at every distance and level, she wins 1st West Region SNFC  ypres 450 miles winning the region by a clear 30 mins , 11th opn national when all the first 10 and the next 10 birds in the Open  sit at least 25 miles east of her loctation. Since her retirement in 2019 she has went on to bred winner after winner inc Sprint Ace TIGER VISION , Her children are proving to be exceptional breeders also breeding in many top lofts throughout the UK and Ireland. 

Winner of 

LSC ACE Bird 2017 1st National West Region  Ypres 450miles 1st Section E National SNFC  11th Open National  Ypres 2,330 birds 1st  Federation 730 birds  2nd Federation 3,430 birds 4th Federation 5,614 birds 18th Federation 2,177 birds 22nd Federation 5,917 birds 36th Federation 966 birds 50th Federation 982 birds Now super Breeder to  SHU ACE Old Bird 2019 SHU ACE Young Bird 2019 RPRA West Region ACE Bird 2021 MNFC West Section ACE Bird 2021 MNFC West Region ACE Birds 2022 1st Federation 6,141 birds 1st Federation 4,641 birds 1st Federation 4,137 birds 1st Federation 2,108 birds 1st Federation 1,585 birds 1st Federation 1,307 birds 1st Federation     501 birds 1st Federation     426 birds  1st MD2B Sennen Cove  1st Section J NFC Messac 1st West Section MNFC Weymouth  2nd Amalgamation 4,417 birds 2nd Federation 6,141 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 4,097 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 3,678 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 3,210 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 2,250 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 2,108 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 1,401 birds 2nd Federation 928 birds  (BBLM)
2nd Federation    890 birds (BBLM) 3rd Amalgamation 4,417 birds 3rd Federation  4,617 birds (BBLM) 3rd West Region SNFC 499b 3rd Section J MNFC Guernsy 3rd Federation 2,841 birds  3rd Federation 2,104 birds 3rd Federation 1,401 birds 3rd Federation     470 birds 3rd Federation 325 birds 4th West Region SNFC 499b 4th Section E SNFC 346 birds 4th Federation 5,391 birds  4th Federation  3,553 birds (BBLM)) 4th Federation 3,788 birds 4th Federation 2,523 birds  4th Federation 2,881 birds 4th Federation 2,108 birds (BBLM) 4th Federation 890 birds  4th Federation 426 birds  5th Federation  3,553 birds (BBLM) 5th Federation  2,356 birds 5th Federation  2,115 birds 5th Federation 5,378 birds 6th North b Section INFC Skib 6th Federation  3,794 birds 6th Federation 3,669 birds 6th Federation     924 birds  7th Open NIPA 9,425 birds (BBLM) 7th Federation 3,678 birds 7th Federation 5,391 birds 7th Federation 3,330 birds 7th Federation  1,674 birds 8th Section E National SNFC 326 birds 8th Federation  4,617 birds 8th Federation 2,580 birds 9th Section MNFC National Weymouth 9th Federation 2,703 birds 9th Federation 5,351 birds 9th Federation 2,881 birds  10th Open NIPA 10,524 birds 10th Federation 3,678 birds (BBLM) 10th Federation 768 birds  10th Federation 2,580 birds 11th Federation 2,322 birds  11th Federation   708 birds 13th Open National SNFC 2,476 birds 13th Federation 1,307 birds 13th Federation 2,349 birds 13th Federation 4,097 birds 13th Federation 3,216 birds 13th Federation 2,967 birds  13th Federation 2,115 birds 13th Federation 1,546 birds 14th Open NIPA 17,066 birds 14th Federation 5,351 birds 14th Federation 3,216 birds 14th Federation 2,881 birds  15th Federation 5,109 birds  15th Federation 3,572 birds  15th Federation 2,523 birds  16th Federation 3,572 birds 16th Federation 3,678 birds (BBLM) 17th Open NIPA 9,425 birds 17th Federation 5,072 birds 18th Open NIPA 14,023 birds 18th Open NIPA 15,032 birds 18th Federation 5,992 birds 18th Federation 3,447 birds 18th Federation 3,440 birds 18th Federation 2,104 birds 20th Section MNFC Yelverton  20th Section E National SNFC 346 birds
21st Section E national SNFC 346 birds 21st Federation 4,078 birds 21st Federation 5,378 birds 23rd Federation 5,289 birds 23rd Federation 1,307 birds  24th Open NIPA 12,555 birds 24th Federation 5,043 birds 25th Federation 5,743 birds 26th Federation 3,669 birds 26th Federation 3,678 birds 27th Federation 4,137 birds 27th Federation 2,510 bird 28th Section E National SNFC 346 birds 29th Federation 5,378 birds  30th Federation 5,289 birds  83rd Open NIPA 8,308 birds 88th Federation 1,257 birds

“THE DEMOLITION MAN” SU19 4804 Superstar Ace Pigeon

The kind of racing pigeon we all dream of , outstanding at winning , absolutely feather perfect and a silk in the hands. One of the best Pigeons in the sale !!
his racing CV not many can match , from 77 to 277 miles four times on the Trap to top Massive liberations. Retired in only 2021 look at his immediate impact as a breeder, the sky is the limit for The Demolition Man


“Demolition Man is the best handling pigeon I’ve ever had” P. Macaloney

Winner of 

L.S.C ACE Bird 2020

1st  Federation  4,225 birds

1st  Federation  2,960 birds

2nd Federation  5,697 birds (BBLM)

2nd Federation 2,462 birds (BBLM)

8th   Federation 6,141 birds

17th Federation 3,447 birds

25th Federation 5,743 birds

25th Federation    791 birds 

26th Federation 2,004 birds

29th Federation 2,542 birds

47th Federation 3,325 birds

64th Federation 1,993 birds

66th Federation 5,391 birds

Sire & Gsire to 4th Open NIPA 15,032 birds 10th Open NIPA 10,524 birds 18th Open NIPA 14,023 birds 52nd Federation 2,881 birds 82nd Federation 2,349 birds


A truly remarkable racing and breeding pigeon!!
National winner turned Generational breeding cock , reading through the sale his impact alongside his Ace partner BLUE CAVIAR is simply undeniable. 

These are the kind of pigeons that make champion lofts. 

DOUBLE VISION winner of 

1st National SNFC 4,170 birds  1st National West Region 295miles 1st Federation    885 birds Legendary Breeding Cock ********************************* SHU ACE Old Bird 2019 SHU ACE Young Bird 2019 RPRA West Region ACE Bird 2021 MNFC West Section ACE Bird 2021 MNFC West Region ACE Birds 2022 1st Federation 6,141 birds 1st Federation 4,641 birds 1st Federation 4,137 birds 1st Federation 2,108 birds 1st Federation 1,585 birds 1st Federation 1,307 birds 1st Federation     501 birds 1st Federation     426 birds  1st MD2B Sennen Cove  1st Section J NFC Messac 1st West Section MNFC Weymouth  2nd Amalgamation 4,417 birds 2nd Federation 6,141 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 4,097 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 3,678 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 3,210 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 2,250 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 2,108 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 1,401 birds 2nd Federation 928 birds  (BBLM) 2nd Federation    890 birds (BBLM) 3rd Amalgamation 4,417 birds 3rd Federation  4,617 birds (BBLM) 3rd West Region SNFC 499b 3rd Section J MNFC Guernsy 3rd Federation 2,841 birds  3rd Federation 2,104 birds 3rd Federation 1,401 birds 3rd Federation     470 birds 3rd Federation 325 birds 4th West Region SNFC 499b 4th Section E SNFC 346 birds 4th Federation 5,391 birds  4th Federation  3,553 birds (BBLM)) 4th Federation 3,788 birds 4th Federation 2,523 birds  4th Federation 2,881 birds 4th Federation 2,108 birds (BBLM) 4th Federation 890 birds  4th Federation 426 birds 5th Federation  3,553 birds (BBLM) 5th Federation  2,356 birds 5th Federation  2,115 birds 5th Federation 5,378 birds 6th North bSection INFC Skib 6th Federation  3,794 birds 6th Federation 3,669 birds 6th Federation     924 birds  7th Open NIPA 9,425 birds (BBLM) 7th Federation 3,678 birds 7th Federation 5,391 birds 7th Federation 3,330 birds 7th Federation  1,674 birds 8th Section E National SNFC 326 birds 8th Federation  4,617 birds 8th Federation 2,580 birds 9th Section MNFC National Weymouth  9th Federation 2,703 birds 9th Federation 5,351 birds 9th Federation 2,881 birds  10th Open NIPA 10,524 birds 10th Federation 3,678 birds (BBLM) 10th Federation 768 birds  10th Federation 2,580 birds 11th federation 2,322 birds  11th Federation   708 birds 13th Open National SNFC 2,476 birds 13th Federation 1,307 birds 13th Federation 2,349 birds 13th Federation 4,097 birds 13th Federation 3,216 birds 13th Federation 2,967 birds  13th Federation 2,115 birds 13th Federation 1,546 birds 14th Open NIPA 17,066 birds 14th Federation 5,351 birds 14th federation 3,216 birds 14th Federation 2,881 birds  15th Federation 5,109 birds  15th Federation 3,572 birds  15th Federation 2,523 birds  16th Federation 3,572 birds 16th Federation 3,678 birds (BBLM) 17th Open NIPA 9,425 birds 17th Federation 5,072 birds 18th Open NIPA 14,023 birds 18th Open NIPA 15,032 birds 18th Federation 5,992 birds 18th Federation 3,447 birds 18th Federation 3,440 birds 18th Federation 2,104 birds 20th Section MNFC Yelverton 20th Section E National SNFC 346 birds 21st Section E national SNFC 346 birds 21st Federation 4,078 birds 21st Federation 5,378 birds 23rd Federation 5,289 birds 23rd Federation 1,307 birds  24th Open NIPA 12,555 birds 24th Federation 5,043 birds 25th Federation 5,743 birds 26th Federation 3,669 birds 26th Federation 3,678 birds 27th Federation 4,137 birds 27th Federation 2,510 birds 28th Section E National SNFC 346 birds 29th Federation 5,378 birds  30th Federation 5,289 birds  83rd Open NIPA 8,308 birds 88th Federation 1,257 birds

“STEFAAN” NWHU18T 5139 A world class breeding Cock

The partnership hold this breeding cock in very high regards, a mix of their ever proven CAVIAR lines crossed into the Direct stefaan Lambrecht birds has resulted in an awesome breeding pigeon only ever coupled to the Fanastic SISTER16 , they are a prolific breeding Couple

Sire,Gsire&GGsire to

1st Federation 3,678 birds 1st Lancs Com 1,810 birds  1st Amalgamation 847 birds 1st Amalgamation  1st Federation 655 birds 1st Federation 475 birds 1st LSC Ripon 989 birds  2nd LSC Ripon 989 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 4,225 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 2,960 birds  (BBLM) 3rd Federation 2,810 birds 4th Federation 5,109 birds 4th Federation 2,810 birds 5th Federation 5,109 birds 5th Federation 4,097 birds (BBLM) 6th Federation 2,104 birds 9th Federation 1,674 birds 9th Federation 3,447 birds 10th Federation 2,542 birds 10th Federation 2,322 birds 10th Federation 572 birds 10th Federation 444 birds  11th Federation   890 birds 12th Federation 2,108 birds 13th Federation 3,678 birds 14th National 1,152 birds 15th Federation 1,993 birds 18th Federation 2,462 birds 19th Federation 3,216 birds 20th Federation 5,072 birds 25th Federation 3,678 birds 27th Federation 4,137 birds 28th Federation 3,678 birds 37th Federation 3,484 birds 38th Federation   470 birds  40th Federation 4,137 birds  45th Federation 3,325 birds 49th Federation 2,703 birds 50th Federation 5,378 birds 50th Federation 1,993 birds 53rd Federation 4,672 birds 63rd Federation 3,484 birds 75th Federation 2,947 birds 80th Federation 2,960 birds 80th Federation 3,484 birds 83rd Federation 2,349 birds 89th Federation 3,678 birds

“VISION 772” SU18 1772 Top Breeding Hen

Super breeding Nest sister to Sprint Champion TIGER VISION. Now a Top class breeding hen with offspring producing winners in USA UK and Ireland. She is Caesars race and breeding partner a match made in heaven they where all ready breeding 1st prize winners whilst in the race loft.

In The Loft – Direct Son Of Vision 772

Vision 772 – Super breeding Nest sister to Sprint Champion TIGER VISION. Now a Top class breeding hen with offspring producing winners in USA UK and Ireland. She is Caesars race and breeding partner a match made in heaven they where all ready breeding 1st prize winners whilst in the race loft.
Winner of 3rd Federation 4,617 birds (BBLM) 6th Federation 942 birds 18th Federation 2,495 birds 75th Federation 1,257 birds 3rd Section 1,537 birds 6th Section 400 birds 13th Section 1,055 birds 31st Section 535 birds Dam & GDam of 1st Federaton 6,141 birds 1st Federation 501 birds 2nd Federation 2,108 birds (BBLM) 3rd Federation 2,104 birds 3rd Federation 325 birds 3rd Federation 2,523 birds 4th Federation 2,108 birds (BBLM) 5th Open BICC 2,249 birds 5th Federation 741 birds 6th Federation 3,794 birds 6th Federation 2,703 birds 6th Federation 1,307 birds 7th Federation 2,881 birds 10th Federation 3,678 birds (bblm) 10th Federation 2,322 birds 11th Federation 2,462 birds 11th Federation 3,447 birds 12th MNFC National 1,724 birds 13th Federation 1307 birds 14th Federation 3,325 birds 15th Federation 5,109 birds 16th Federation 3,216 birds 18th Open NIPA 15,032 birds 19th Federation 2,104 birds 20th Federation 3,216 birds 24th Open NIPA 12,555 birds 26th Federation 5,743 birds 26th Federation 3,678 birds 30th Federation 3,678 birds 32nd Federation 1,993 birds 32nd Federation 3,440 birds 33rd Federation 1,993 birds 33rd Federation 3,440 birds 34th Federation 2,349 birds 36th Federation 2,947 birds 38th Federation 5,391 birds 39th Federation 5,072 birds 49th Federation 5,391 birds 49th Federation 2,703 birds 52nd Federation 3,440 birds 54th Federation 2,322 birds 60th Federation 2,947 birds 65th Federation 1,924 birds 73rd Federation 2,947 birds 83rd Federation 2,349 birds 85th Federation 3,678 birds

“Dark Destroyer” SU18 1718  Superb Racing Cock

Top Federation winning cock , direct son of the Awesome MANOWAR, one of the best breeders the partnership ever had from their late friend Thomas Blair.  Dark Destroyer is a prize winner out to 347 miles and retired in 2021 , the partnership feel they haven’t done him the justice as he deserves as of yet in the breeding loft down to a missed breeding year of broken eggs and fighting. But with winning genetic like these and the fact 3 of his full siblings have top federation and went on to bred winners , the future is bright for the Dark destroyer.

In The Loft – Direct Son of Dark Destroyer

Dark Destroyer – 1st  Federation 5,697 birds

2nd Federation 2,768 birds 

7th  Federation 2,100 birds 

8th  Federation 2,437 birds 

19th Federation   444 birds

 34th Federation   791 birds 

48th National 1,152 birds 51st Federation 768 birds 

Father to 4th Section 1,300 birds 9th Section 1,381 birds 20th Federation 5,378 birds 

Son of Manowar 1st Federation 5,818 birds 1st Federation 5,697 birds 1st Federation 4,842 birds 1st Federation 4,393 birds 1st Federation 1,770 birds 1st Federation 1,776 birds 2nd Federation 3,531 birds 2nd Federation 2,768 birds 3rd Federation 3,553 birds 4th Open NIPA 4,699 birds 4th Federation 1,238 birds 5th Federation 2,564 birds 6th Federation 2,889 birds 7th Federation  592 birds 10th Federation 1,760 birds 12th Federation 1,131 birds 13th Federation 1,581 birds 14th Federation 1,792 birds 96th Open NIPA 6,797 birds 101st Open NIPA 8,658 birds 109th Open NIPA 14,232 birds 256th Open NIPA 11,294 birds

“VISION 44” SU19 4943  Top Daughter of the Dream Pair

Class breeding daughter of the Dream Pair, this hen has had a massive impact of J&B Oakley and Gwp Macaloney. What is more impressive is her strike rate, it’s taking very little breeding children to produce such quality results.

In The Loft – Direct Son of Vision 44

Vision 44 – Dam & GDam of 1st West Section MNFC Chale

1st West Region ACE Pigeon MNFC 2022

1st Section 898 birds

1st Section 514 birds

1st Section 350 birds

1st Federation 783 birds

2nd Federation 2,445 birds (BBLM) 3rd Section 724 birds 3rd West Region National SNFC 3rd Section E SNFC  National 4th Federation 2,523 birds 4th Federation 3,788 birds 4th Federation 2,881 birds 4th Section 634 birds 4th Section 867 birds 6th Federation 1,953 birds 6th Section 634 birds 7th Federation 1,674 birds 11th Federation 2,322 birds 12th Open National SNFC 2,476 birds 12th Federation 4,097 birds 13th Federation 2,349 birds 13th Federation 1,231 birds 15th Section 2,349 birds 16th Federation 1,409 birds 18th Federation 3,678 birds 18th Section 829 birds 23rd Section 724 birds 23rd Federation 5,378 birds 27th Section 898 birds 29th Federation 547 birds 35th Federation 1,993 birds 36th Federation 2,445 birds 45th Federation 2,703 birds 55th Federation 2,104 birds 59th Federation 2,947 birds 72nd Federation 2,881 birds

“SISTER 16” NWHU18T 5216 Awesome Breeding Hen

ONE OF THE FINEST hens in  the sale, a super breeder of Generations of winners, when always paired to STEFAAN. This couple could easily set a loft up for life, have a good look at the breeding CV

In The Loft – Direct Daughter of Sister 16

Sister 16 – Dam GDam GGDam of 1st Federation 3,678 birds 1st Lancs Com 1,810 birds 1st Amalgamation 847 birds 1st Amalgamation 1st Federation 655 birds 1st Federation 475 birds 1st LSC Ripon 989 birds 2nd LSC Ripon 989 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 4,225 birds (BBLM) 2nd Federation 2,960 birds  (BBLM) 3rd Federation 2,810 birds 4th Federation 5,109 birds 4th Federation 2,810 birds 5th Federation 5,109 birds 5th Federation 4,097 birds (BBLM) 6th Federation 2,104 birds 9th Federation 1,674 birds 9th Federation 3,447 birds 10th Federation 2,542 birds 10th Federation 2,322 birds 10th Federation 572 birds 10th Federation 444 birds 11th Federation  890 birds 12th Federation 2,108 birds 13th Federation 3,678 birds 14th National 1,152 birds 15th Federation 1,993 birds 18th Federation 2,462 birds 19th Federation 3,216 birds 20th Federation 5,072 birds 25th Federation 3,678 birds 27th Federation 4,137 birds 28th Federation 3,678 birds 37th Federation 3,484 birds 38th Federation 470 birds 40th Federation 4,137 birds 45th Federation 3,325 birds 49th Federation 2,703 birds 50th Federation 5,378 birds 50th Federation 1,993 birds 53rd Federation 4,672 birds 63rd Federation 3,484 birds 75th Federation 2,947 birds 80th Federation 2,960 birds 80th Federation 3,484 birds 83rd Federation 2,349 birds 89th Federation 3,678 birds

“TIGER VISION” SU18 1771 Champion Sprint Ace

One of the stars of the sale and the foundations of the NEW Dream Pair. Tiger vision entered only 12 races in his life 9 times in the top 1% of the liberation 5 times on the drop to top the Federation !, Winning the best Sprint pigeon in Scotland for 2019.
Since then his breeding career has went from strength to strength, with his children delivering top OLR winners, and winners at Fed combine and National level. It is fair to say that pigeons like this will never come up for sale unless it’s an Entire Clearence Auction, A Sprint Legend.

Son of Double Vision and Blue Caviar – Nest Mate to Vision 772 – In The Loft Full Sister


1st Fed 4461 birds
2nd Fed 3210 birds BBLM
2nd Yearling Derby 2230 birds BBLM
2nd Fed 2356 birds BBLM
3rd Fed 4433 birds BBLM
5th Fed 4617 birds
13th Fed 2437 birds
18th Fed 5992 birds
88th Fed 1257 birds

In total he has achieved the following positions at section (5clubs) and Federation (16clubs) level: 1st 4461 birds 1st 1865 birds 2nd 3210 birds 2nd 2356 birds 2nd 2230 birds 2nd 1095 birds 2nd 897 birds 2nd 750 birds 3rd 4433 birds 3rd 1862 birds 5th 4617 birds 8th 1537 birds 8th 800 birds 12th 2379 birds 13th 2437 birds 18th 5992 birds 88th 1257 birds

12 times he finished in the top 1% of the entries

Now sire and Gsire to 1st North West OLR FINAL winning £10,000 1st Section J NFC 2nd Amalgamation 4,417 birds 2nd Federation 928 birds 2nd Federation 1,401 birds 3rd Amalgamation 4,417 birds 3rd Federation 1,401 birds 4th Federation 5,391 birds 6th Open NFC 4,600 birds 13th Federation 3,678 birds 17th Federation 5,072 birds 18th Federation 2,104 birds 27th Federation 4,137 birds 27th Federation 2,510 birds 33rd Federation 470 birds 45th Federation 2,542 birds 48th Federation 3,447 birds 48th Federation 3,325 birds 73rd Federation 2,349 birds


Beautiful pigeon admired by all visitors to the Macaloney loft. His blistering Federation win was eye catching to say the least 43 YPM Clear of 2,210 other birds at 78 miles!!
His Career was sadly cut short the following week by a hawk strike. Since then he has made steady progress as a breeder with now his children delivering Federation and amalgamation winners in the UK. A serious acquisition for Van den Bulk Fan

In The Loft – Direct Daughter of MACQUEEN and Red Hot

Macqueen- 1st Federation 2,211 birds

clear by 43 YPM in Fed

clear by 68 YPM In Section

Clear by 99 Ypm in Club

Now Sire And Gsire  of

1st Federation 655 birds

1st Amalgamation 847 birds

2nd Federation 1,182 birds

6th Federation 1,674 birds

11th Federation 890 birds

11th Open welsh National

16th Federation 5,109 birds

36th Federation 5,391 birds

36th Federation 2,349 birds

37th Federation 470 birds

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